Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Well Josh had to work Super Bowl Sunday so we did our normal routine on Sundays and had some fun. We went to Church, came home EVERYONE took naps and then went outside to play because we didn't have small group that night. Before we went outside Kenzie asked if they could get wet and where else other than San Diego, CA can you run through the sprinklers on the 1st of February. Mackenzie thought it was the funniest thing in the world that she was running through the sprinklers, but Rylan would rather play in the bucket under the hose until it filled up enough he'd tell me "plweas mommy" because he wanted me to dump it on his head. I know this is a short blog, but I've got a longer one coming this afternoon, but I wanted to get this on here first.

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1 comment:

Alicia said...

Where did you get that bathing suit!!! So cute! These pictures are awesome!!!